Marc Vander Maas

Posts by Marc Vander Maas

Global Warming Consensus Alert: Flaming, Earth-Crushing Death!

Remember the 2004 tsunami in Indonesia and Sri Lanka? I distinctly remember people making jokes about how they’d find a way to blame the whole catastrophe on global warming. Note to self: climate change hype is beyond parody: Unlike most apparently intractable problems, which have a tendency to go away when examined closely and analytically, the climate change predicament just seems to get bigger and scarier the more we learn about it. Continue Reading...

“We Doubt, We’re Out, Get Used to It”

Hey everybody, Richard Dawkins is selling T-shirts! Get ’em while they’re hot! One of my favorite bloggers, Allahpundit (who just happens to be an athiest himself), calls this “…a new stage in the transformation of ‘new atheism’ from rational argument to aggrieved identity group,” and has this to say about the t-shirts themselves Some of our commenters call this sort of thing evangelical atheism but a moron with a scarlet “A” on his chest really isn’t trying to convert you. Continue Reading...

Acton Media Update

Dr. Jay Richards made an appearance on the Steve Deace show yesterday on central Iowa’s 50,000 watt blowtorch of a radio station, WHO in Des Moines. The topic of conversation was climate change, and you can listen to the interview by clicking right here (3.2 mb mp3 file). Continue Reading...

Global Warming Consensus Alert

Today brings disturbing news of new consensus that seems to be developing: Modern women want men who are keen on recycling rather than good at making wisecracks, a survey said. The poll for men’s magazine Nuts said going green is now the main way to a woman’s heart, with a “good sense of humour” coming in second. Continue Reading...

There’s A Joke In Here Somewhere…

…But far be it from me to make it. Fortunately, Spiegel Online does all the joking for us. Headline: Tiny Brain No Problem for French Tax Official. The commonly spouted wisdom that people only use 10 percent of their brain power may have been dismissed as a myth, but one French man seems to be managing fine with just a small fraction of his actual brain. Continue Reading...

Everything Old is New Again

Here’s an interesting report from the Media Research Center’s Business & Media Institute on the cyclical nature of media coverage on the issue of climate change. We all know about the global cooling craze of the 1970’s, but who knew that the issue goes back more than a century? Continue Reading...

Responding to the New Atheists

On the way to the airport in Atlanta last week, I stumbled upon a radio debate between Michael Medved and Christopher Hitchens on the topic of Hitchens’ latest book – namely, whether or not religion poisons everything. Continue Reading...

Global Warming Consensus Alert: Hips Don’t Lie!

Well, I just got back from the Transformers movie (mini-review: it’s completely ridiculous, but it has Peter Cullen as the voice of Optimus Prime and lots of stuff blowing up, so it’s worth at least the matinee price, if you’re into that kind of thing), mowed the lawn (sorry – not carbon-neutral), and now I’ve stumbled upon the broadcast of Live Earth on Bravo. Continue Reading...

More Audio from Acton University

This post will be updated and bumped as more audio becomes available. Newer audio appears at the bottom of the list. Economic Liberty in Catholic Social Teaching: Kishore Jayabalan Competing Visions of Business: Michael Miller Sixteenth-Century Protestant Moral Theologians: Stephen Grabill Catholic Social Teaching: Basic Principles: Stephen HaesslerNOTE: This is a re-post; the audio link from a previous post has been corrected. Continue Reading...