Radio Free Acton: Greg Forster on the legacy of Whittaker Chambers, Econ Quiz on income inequality, Upstream on Ursula K. Le Guin

On this episode of Radio Free Acton, Paul Bonicelli, director of programs and education at Acton, and Trey Dimsdale, director of program outreach at Acton, speak with Greg Forster, director of the Oikonomia Network and visiting assistant professor of faith and culture at Trinity International University, on the legacy and modern relevance of Whittaker Chambers and his landmark book, Witness. Continue Reading...

Radio Free Acton: The fight for $15, stock market boom and Oxfam’s 2018 inequality report

On this episode of Radio Free Acton, Caroline Roberts talks to Joe Carter, Senior Editor at Acton, about minimum wage and the debate surrounding the “Fight for $15.” Then on the Econ Quiz segment, Dave Hebert, Professor of Economics at Aquinas College, speaks with John Couretas, Executive Editor and Director of Communications at Acton, about the stock market boom (segment was recorded before the Jan. Continue Reading...

Jennifer Roback Morse on the economic consequences of family breakdown

The 2018 Acton Lecture series got off to a great start yesterday with an address by Jennifer Roback Morse, a longtime friend and collaborator with the Acton Institute. She addressed how the breakdown of the family unit within culture generates significant problems, both socially and economically, and suggested some ways we can all work to address the issue going forward. Continue Reading...