Religion & Liberty Online Archives

Business and Society

The ethics of ‘price gouging’

Hurricane Katrina passed over New Orleans and the rest of the Gulf coast earlier today, and reports of “price gouging” are already coming in. In Alabama, when the governor declares a state of emergency, it triggers a legal barrier to “unconscionable pricing.” Continue Reading...

The magic of price controls!

In case you haven’t noticed, the price of gasoline has been going up lately. And, with all the predictability of the swallows returning to Capistrano, the cry has gone up from certain quarters of society for the government to do something about the situation. Continue Reading...

Good politics, bad policy

A commentary from the Tax Foundation looks at government subsidies for the construction of a new stadium for MLB’s Washington Nationals. Analyst Eric A. Miller writes, “Funding a new stadium in the District may be good politics, but it is bad public policy. Continue Reading...

Et tu, Brute?

I was wondering how long it would take for this to happen. The acceptability of Google’s politics and public persona could only insulate it from the requisite corporate suspicion for only so long. Continue Reading...

You get what you pay for

Remember that the next time you hear someone sing the praises of single-payer, government run health care programs. Canada’s system is often cited as an ideal model for the United States to emulate. Continue Reading...

Economic development = cancer

Today’s Wall Street Journal (subscription required) brings a reminder that Liberation Theology (or more accurately, Marxism) is alive and well in Central America. A Canadian firm has set up shop in Sipicapa, Guatemala, constructing a gold mine that is currently employing around 1,300 local residents and providing a much needed economic boost for the area: The Glamis gold mine has already given an economic lift to this town and more so to neighboring San Miguel Ixtahuacán. Continue Reading...

The violence virus

News from Los Angeles: Two homeless men were attacked with baseball bats and one of them critically injured, allegedly by teens inspired by videos of homeless people brawling that have sold hundreds of thousands of copies over the Internet. Continue Reading...

If at first you don’t succeed…

…You might be a Member of Congress: Members of Congress want to establish a new government-backed venture capital program… OK, but what’s the catch? …to replace one that’s being phased out because of sizable losses. Continue Reading...

Church and governance in Nigeria

A promising brief recognizing the critical role of civil society in Nigeria, and especially that the Christian church, from Ecumenical News International: Nigerian president urges African churches: Play part in governance Abuja (ENI). Continue Reading...