In the Octagon: Ron Paul vs. Religious Left

Even though Ron Paul clarified himself at the Tea Party debate, and explained that he doesn’t think those who can’t afford medical care should be laid out on the curb to die, the Left went about painting his answer as morally abominable. Continue Reading...

Faith and Work, Politics and Jobs

Reactions from religious communities to last week’s jobs speech from President Obama are running the political gamut, as one might expect. Over at Think Christian, my piece has garnered some rather vociferous response. Continue Reading...

Rev. Sirico: ‘Jobs & deficits — the moral equation’

Writing in today’s Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, Rev. Robert A. Sirico, president and co-founder of the Acton Institute: Jobs & deficits — the moral equation By Rev. Robert A. Sirico Thursday, September 15, 2011 The Genesis account of creation tells us that from the beginning, humanity was created to work. Continue Reading...

Commentary: Time to End Clergy Tax Breaks?

In this week’s Acton News & Commentary, Rev. Gregory Jensen observes that religious communities on both the left and the right can agree that government budgets are “moral documents.” He then offers a novel suggestion for closing budget gaps while offering clergy an opportunity to show solidarity with the poor. Continue Reading...

Samuel Gregg: Tea Party a Force in 2012

Director of Research Samuel Gregg is among those reacting to last night’s CNN/Tea Party Debate on National Review Online. His first point is that “when CNN hosts a Tea Party–sponsored debate, you know we’re not in 2008 anymore.” Continue Reading...