Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'federal budget'

Principles for Budget Reform

With the ongoing budget battle and the possibility of a government shutdown looming, the Acton Institute has released its “Principles for Budget Reform.” The Acton Institute developed four key principles to reforming the federal budget that will be important to not only providing a sound fiscal budget but a budget that also has a strong moral basis. Continue Reading...

Finding Morality in the Federal Budget

Budget battles have heated up recently throughout the United States, and President Obama’s budget proposal has not been exempted from the intense discussion. The current proposal by the President pushes our national debt to $15.476 trillion or 102.6 percent of our GDP.  Continue Reading...

PBR: Dangerous Deficit Spending

In response to the question, “What are the moral lessons of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)?” One of the gravest moral issues related to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is the matter of dangerous deficit spending. Continue Reading...

Budget hero

A good hump day timewaster: APM’s Budget Hero. Try to achieve the national security, efficient government, and economic stimulus badges all at the same time. I couldn’t on my first try, although I admit I was leaning much more heavily on the “efficient government” side of the ledger. Continue Reading...

CAGW names names

Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) has released their “Pig Book” for 2008, which is an “annual compilation of the pork-barrel projects in the federal budget. The 2008 Pig Book identified 11,610 projects at a cost of $17.2 billion in the 12 Appropriations Acts for fiscal 2008. Continue Reading...