Review: ‘No Fear Allowed’
Religion & Liberty Online

Review: ‘No Fear Allowed’

herringFear is inevitable. We can either let it stop us in our tracks or use it as “feedback” that we have to do something to move forward. That’s the message in Laura Herring’s new book No Fear Allowed: A Story of Guts, Perseverance, & Making an Impact (Morgan James Publishing, 2015). It’s an inspiring read for entrepreneurs, aspiring entrepreneurs, and “intrapreneurs” (employees with an entrepreneurial mindset) who know they’d like to make their mark in the world through business. Laura’s story is that of many who have an unpleasant (sometimes tragic) experience that affects them profoundly. Out of that, sprouts an idea for a business or service to help others avoid a similar situation. But moving an idea to something concrete and profitable takes a lot of starts and stops and courage in the face of fear. Laura walks us through her career from the early stages when she didn’t know if her plans would come to fruition, to then having it go in directions she never imagined. Having been a basketball player in her youth, she could still hear her dad say, “Keep driving for the basket, Laura”.

This book would be especially useful in mentoring relationships or small group discussions. Each chapter ends with “Lessons Learned” accompanied by further explanation or exploration. These are practical tips and guidelines to help identify strengths, weaknesses, blind spots, next steps to take, etc. Here’s a sampling: Don’t let other people define who you are. Find out what you don’t know. Always get a signed contract. Trust your instincts to follow your passion.

Laura leaves us with this encouragement: “If you’re starting and growing a business, taking what often seems like baby steps toward big dreams, it can easily seem like fear is over every hill and around every corner. Take it from someone who has been there: It is worth it.”