Brittany Hunter

Posts by Brittany Hunter

Acton Commentary: Cosmos and Taxis

In this weeks’ Acton Commentary, Acton Adjunct Scholar William R. Luckey adopts Hayek’s use of the Greek terms “cosmos” and “taxis” to explain why economic life is not something that can be controlled with ever more laws, regulations and quick fixes. Continue Reading...

Acton Commentary: Selfless Giving and Tempered Trading

In this season of giving, Kevin Schmiesing looks at another form of exchange — trade. He observes that ethical commercial activity “is not an exercise in selfishness, but the practice of properly ordered self-interest, which is of necessity tempered by the wants and needs of others.” Continue Reading...

The Acton Website gets a New Look

Today saw the launch of a sharp new look for the Acton Institute website. This new iteration of the website puts content first, with a very uncluttered, fresh look. It also sports some of the latest and greatest in web technology, but I’ll spare you the geekspeak and let you discover all of the bells and whistles for yourself. Continue Reading...

Acton Commentary: Why We Give

With the approach of Christmas, we again hear calls to shun gift buying as somehow sinful and materialistic. In this week’s Acton Commentary, Rev. Robert A. Sirico explains the real reason we give so generously at this time of year and how in giving, we receive. Continue Reading...

IT’S FINALLY HERE! The Birth of Freedom now available on DVD

Just in time for Christmas, Acton Media’s new documentary The Birth of Freedom is now available for purchase from the Acton Bookshoppe. Accompanied by a study guide which explores several core themes of the documentary, The Birth of Freedom tells the story of how modern understandings of individual liberty were developed and addresses the questions, “Why would anyone believe that all men are created equal? Continue Reading...