Religion & Liberty Online Archives

International Affairs

The nation-state and security of freedom

In a recent article for Law and Liberty, Samuel Gregg, Acton’s Director of Research, reviews French political scientist Gil Delannoi’s new book Le nation contre le nationalisme. “Since 2016,” Gregg writes, “it has become evident that millions of people are not content to be herded, sheep-like, by intellectuals, techno-utopians, and supranational bureaucrats down the path of global governance. Continue Reading...

Understanding Bolsonaro

When Jair Messias Bolsonaro walked into TV Cultura’s studio in July, no one had any idea of ​​the political tsunami that would engulf Brazil 90 days later. The “Roda Viva” is the oldest talk show on Brazilian television; a group of eight journalists sit on a wheel-shaped bench and in the center lies the interviewee. Continue Reading...