To serve man

According to yesterday’s Independent, “In the first modification of its kind, Japanese researchers have inserted a gene from the human liver into rice to enable it to digest pesticides and industrial chemicals.” Continue Reading...

A moral shell game

Rev. Mark H. Creech, a Christian Post columnist, has an excellent piece on the game that state’s play depicting participation in state run lotteries as the moral and praiseworthy course of action. Continue Reading...

Today is Earth Day

For resources about and Earth Day, including some information about the relationship between Christians and environmental stewardship, visit the Earth Day Information Center at the National Center for Public Policy Research. Continue Reading...

Christians in the public square

Melanchthon, commentating on Romans 13:5 and following: “let us learn that in those who believe in Christ, the works of political and economical life are good works and acts of worship of God, not merely secular works, because society must be preserved in order that God may become known in it. Continue Reading...

God, man, and the environment

On the occasion of the Earth Day celebrations this year, Dr. Samuel Gregg reflects on the role of people of faith in environmental discussions. The exercise of legitimate human dominion over creation “must be actualized in accordance with the requirements of God’s divine law,” he writes. Continue Reading...

The Untouchable

Today marks the birthday of Eliot Ness, Prohibition Agent for the Department of Treasury-Chicago. Ness was made famous for bringing down Al Capone. The story was loosely portrayed in the movie The Untouchables, starring Kevin Costner as Ness. Continue Reading...

Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc

If looking for an exposition of the post hoc ergo propter hoc logical fallacy when applied to wealth and the size of government in the United States, you can find it in this speech, “The State Expands, and Weakens,” given by Llewellyn H. Continue Reading...

Wholphin watch

Hot on the trail of chimeras as a service to you, dear reader, I pass along this story about the offspring of a dolphin and a whale. Apparently these so-called “wholphins” have been found in the wild. Continue Reading...