Zenit: Abela on Caritas in Veritate

Andrew Abela, 2009 Novak Award recipient from the Acton Institute, offered a business perspective on Pope Benedict XVI’s new social encyclical, Caritas in Veritate, to the Catholic news service Zenit.  Continue Reading...

Resource Page on Caritas in Veritate

Recently the Acton Institute dedicated a resource page on its website to Pope Benedict XVI’s new social encyclical, Caritas in Veritate.  The resource page contains blog posts and articles about Caritas in Veritate from policy experts and staff members from the Acton Institute.  Continue Reading...

Virtue, Liberty, and the Message of TEA

This weekend, I had the pleasure of joining dozens of Michiganders in Grandville to protest big government and big spending. The Hudsonville TEA (Taxed Enough Already!) Party, a grassroots group of Americans concerned for the sake of liberty, put on the event immediately following the Grandville 4th of July Parade. Continue Reading...

NRO: The Divine Economy

My commentary on the forthcoming social encyclical was published on National Review Online. Here’s the complete text: On Tuesday, Pope Benedict XVI will release his first social encyclical, Caritas in Veritate. Continue Reading...