Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged '6 quotes'

Tim Scott’s response to Joe Biden’s address to Congress: 6 quotes

Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina delivered the Republican response to President Joe Biden’s address to a joint session of Congress. Scott’s well-received address traversed the full ground of faith, virtue, and economics – openly declaring that “becoming a Christian transformed my life,” hailing the “the most inclusive economy in my lifetime” under the Trump administration, and stating boldly that “America is not a racist country.” Continue Reading...

6 quotes: Russell Kirk

October 19 is the birthday of Russell Kirk (1918-1994), whose book The Conservative Mind gave shape and direction to a rebounding transatlantic political and philosophical tradition. Kirk rooted conservatism, not in a political platform, but in a deep-seated respect for tradition, faith, order, morality, and precedent. Continue Reading...

6 quotes: The Report of the Commission on Unalienable Rights

This week, a federal committee accomplished the rarest of all achievements: It produced a government document worth reading. On Thursday, July 16, the U.S. Commission on Unalienable Rights released a clear, enlightened, and comprehensive report on the origins, authentic content, and illegitimate expansion of human rights. Continue Reading...

6 quotes for Frédéric Bastiat’s birthday

The French writer, philosopher, and exponent of liberty Frédéric Bastiat would turn 219 years old this week. For more than a century Bastiat’s concise, wisdom-infused words have led people on both sides of the Atlantic to embrace the timeless principles of limited government, freedom of commerce, and unalienable rights. Continue Reading...

6 quotes: Martin Luther King Jr.

Americans celebrate the third Monday of every January in honor of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. However, his message of human dignity and racial equality inspired people worldwide, whether he delivered his sermons in Atlanta or Oslo. Continue Reading...

10 quotes: Sir Roger Scruton

Sir Roger Scruton, whom Acton Institute co-founder Rev. Robert Sirico once described as “perhaps the world’s leading conservative philosopher,” passed away from cancer Sunday at the age of 75. His profound intelligence probed every subject from aesthetics and sexuality to religion and the minutiae of governing. Continue Reading...
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