Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'abortion'

Giuliani and the Godbloggers

After the jump is the (hyperlinked) text of a column I filed last week from GodblogCon. Here are some related items worth exploring: “Evangelicals and Evil Empires: Religious voters have long had an interest in foreign policy,” OpinionJournal (HT: CT Liveblog). Continue Reading...

A Pro-Life Club and the Public School

I’m not typically a big fan of litigation. But that option needs to be there for some cases that can’t be solved in other ways. It’s a big stick that should only be used when absolutely necessary and only when appropriate. Continue Reading...

Pro-Life Socialism?

For some reason, I had never thought about what pro-life socialist policies might look like. But today, Jim Wallis’s Sojourner’s blog covered a Los Angeles Times story about a strategy shift in the Democratic party to support a House bill “designed not only to prevent unwanted pregnancies, but also to encourage women who do conceive to carry to term.” Continue Reading...

Gerson on Obama at the UCC

In today’s WaPo, former Bush speechwriter Michael Gerson opines on Senator Barack Obama’s recent address to a gathering of UCC faithful (HT). In “The Gospel Of Obama,” Gerson writes, “By speaking at a gathering of the United Church of Christ — among the most excruciatingly progressive of Protestant denominations — he was preaching to the liberal choir. Continue Reading...

Medical Malpractice and Abortion

I thought this was an interesting bit at the intersection of morality and economics. An insurance brokerage firm, K&B Underwriters, is sponsoring a physicians’ survey designed to determine whether doctors who work within a “culture of life” framework (e.g., Continue Reading...

Global Warming Consensus Watch, Vol. III

Welcome to the latest edition of the PowerBlog’s GLOBAL WARMING CONSENSUS WATCH, a weekly news recap where we highlight the continuing strength and enduring permanence of the universal scientific consensus on the causes and effects of global warming. Continue Reading...

Global warming and population control

From the “we had to destroy the village to save it” department, check out this item from the Huffington Post by Dave Johnson, “A Global Warming Suggestion: Fewer Babies.” It’s pretty indefatigable logic: if there are no people to be affected by environmental catastrophe, then the problem has been avoided. Continue Reading...

2006 in Review, 4th Quarter

Our 2006 year in review series concludes with the fourth quarter: October “Do You See More than Just a ‘Carbon Footprint’?” Jordan J. Ballor It’s a fair question to ask, I think, of those who are a part of the radical environmentalist/population control political lobby. Continue Reading...

Do You See More than Just a ‘Carbon Footprint’?

Call it something like an anthropological Rorschach test. What do you see when you look at the picture above? Do you see more than just a ‘carbon footprint’? It’s a fair question to ask, I think, of those who are a part of the radical environmentalist/population control political lobby. Continue Reading...