Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'COVID-19'

Alejandro Chafuen in Forbes: Is Sweden’s a model response to COVID-19?

This week, Alejandro Chafuen – the Acton Institute’s Managing Director, International – reflects in Forbes about his comparisons between Sweden’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and that of other countries. Sweden has been held up as a model by those who favor less exacting responses to the coronavirus and condemned by those who advocate for more severe measures. Continue Reading...

A victory on Rosh Hashanah

Why is tonight different from all other nights? Because if you live in Los Angeles, you could face legal repercussions for celebrating the Jewish High Holy Days with family and friends. Continue Reading...

How to beat the ‘social recession’ of COVID-19

Before the COVID-19 crisis began, America was already facing a severe loneliness epidemic – marked by decades-long increases in suicide and chronic loneliness and declines in marriage and community attachment. Now, amid flurries of sweeping lockdowns, the struggle has become harder still, pushing any remnants of embodied community deeper into the confines of social media. Continue Reading...