Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'entrepreneurship'

How the Bible encourages business

When was the last time you heard a Christian talk about how godly and pious it is to earn money? I can’t remember ever hearing that in church. Christians don’t like to talk about accumulating wealth, but they do like to talk about giving money to the poor and the needy. Continue Reading...

Entrepreneurship in theological perspective: Creative and innovative

What distinguishes something that is truly creative from something that is simply innovative? And how do we value and prioritize one or the other? In a recent study, “Creativity, Innovation, and the Historicity of Entrepreneurship,” Victor Claar and I attempt to disambiguate what we call “creative entrepreneurship” from “innovative entrepreneurship.” Continue Reading...

Advent and Christmas: seasons for the entrepreneur

Advent is a time of both patience and anticipation for Christmas. As a result, these seasons make an ideal season for entrepreneurs to reflect spiritually. Advent is also a time for thinking about our responsibilities as Christians between the first Advent in the incarnation and the second Advent in the Parousia – in other words, how we my responsibly use our freedoms and liberties. Continue Reading...

Entrepreneurship boom: COVID-19 is spurring new start-ups

In the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 22 million Americans lost their jobs, effectively reversing several years of economic growth. This would mark the beginning of a “two-track recovery” that is increasingly divided between those whose livelihoods remained safe and secure and those whose industries or enterprises have been thoroughly upended. Continue Reading...

Cuba loosens restrictions on private businesses to battle COVID-19

Over the past decade, Cuba’s private sector has experienced slow-but-steady growth thanks to a mix of entrepreneurial grit and incremental policy changes. Although the Communist government continues to waffle on the scope and duration of various restrictions, the number of self-employed Cubans has risen from 150,000 to 600,000 since 2010 – that is, until the outbreak of the global health pandemic. Continue Reading...
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