Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'solidarity'

Samuel Gregg: Socialism and Solidarity

On Public Discourse, Acton Research Director Samuel Gregg observes in a new piece that “while moral beliefs have an important impact upon economic life, the manner in which they are given institutional expression also matters. Continue Reading...

Deficits, Debt, and Self-Deception

This week’s Acton Commentary: Deficits, Debt, and Self-Deception By Samuel Gregg It passed almost unnoticed, but in late July the Obama Administration raised the Federal Government’s budget deficit forecast for fiscal year 2011 to $1.4 trillion. Continue Reading...

Acton Commentary — Europe: The Unjust Continent

This week’s Acton Commentary from Research Director Samuel Gregg. +++++++++ Europe: The Unjust Continent By Samuel Gregg In recent months, the European social model has been under the spotlight following Greece’s economic meltdown and the fumbling efforts of European politicians to prop up other tottering European economies. Continue Reading...

Health Care Rights, and Wrongs

A new commentary from Dr. Donald Condit. Also see the Acton Health Care resource page. +++++++++ Health Care Rights, and Wrongs By Dr. Donald P. Condit As Speaker Nancy Pelosi promoted passage of Sunday’s health care reform bill, she invoked Catholic support. Continue Reading...
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