Acton Institute Powerblog Archives

Post Tagged 'wall street journal'

Elizabeth Holmes is the con artist we were all waiting for

Elizabeth Holmes has been found guilty on four of 11 federal charges of wire fraud and conspiracy, after promising revolutionary blood test technology from her corporation, Theranos. The promised disruption was something people desperately wanted and still want: cheap, quick blood tests, requiring only a finger drop of blood. Continue Reading...

Biden defers some Hong Kong deportations, acknowledging human rights crisis under Communist Chinese rule

Hong Kong, once a haven for those seeking to escape the Chinese Communist Party’s iron fist, has seen a rapid deterioration of freedom in recent months. Media and business mogul Jimmy Lai’s arrest and the breakup of his pro-democracy newspaper, Apple Daily, are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the CCP’s forceful decimation of free speech and silencing dissent. Continue Reading...

Shareholder Activists Step-Up Leftist Resolutions for 2016

Previously this week, The Wall Street Journal presented a list of “7 Things Investors Should Be Watching for a 2016 Unfolds.” While there’s much in Michael A. Pollock’s article to recommend it to readers who might’ve missed it, there’s also one significant omission – Number Eight, if you will: A Rise in Proxy Resolutions by Religious Shareholder Activists. Continue Reading...

Pope’s Encyclical: Eschew Air Conditioning?

I know why Victorian women fainted so much. They were too hot – literally. Wearing layers and layers of clothes, corseted to the point of not being able to breath, attempting to make merry in rooms draped and swathed and festooned with velvet furniture and bric-a-brac. Continue Reading...

La encíclica es una caricatura del capitalismo

Francis X. Rocca’s Wall Street Journal article about Laudato Si’ has been translated into Spanish. Featured in Tuesday’s EcoLinks, this piece addresses many topics surrounding the new ecological encyclical, including the pope’s seeming condemnation of capitalism. Continue Reading...

Can Human Ecology Harm Humans?

That’s one of the questions that comes to mind when reading Bill McGurn’s op-ed in today’s Wall Street Journal. Many free-market advocates, including yours truly, have already expressed concern over what may appear in the papal encyclical due this summer. Continue Reading...
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