Acton Institute Powerblog

Promoting free societies characterized by liberty & religious principles

Christmas replaces Utopia with the kingdom of Heaven

While researching another article, I was taken aback to read a political organization refer to its platform as a “new covenant.” The feeling of unease deepened with each plank of its revolutionary and highly divisive program to remake society de novo (about which, more later). Continue Reading...

Appreciating the importance of vocational education

If there is one thing young people believe in collectively, it is their individuality. “No two people are alike,” the refrain goes. But in the age of Common Core, educational systems too often treat all students alike, glossing over their unique skills and abilities. Continue Reading...

Top Posts of 2014

How to Understand Snowpiercer by Joe Carter City of Houston to Pastors: Show Us Your Sermons by Joe Carter The Fountainhead of Satanism by Joe Carter Explainer: What’s Going On in Crimea? Continue Reading...

Triangulating Vocation

In a remarkable letter last week, noted by Joseph Sunde, Mike Rowe inveighed against the sloganeering that passes for vocational discernment in today’s popular culture. Mike singled out Hollywood as a particularly egregious offender: Every time I watch The Oscars, I cringe when some famous movie star – trophy in hand – starts to deconstruct the secret to happiness. Continue Reading...
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