Louie Glinzak

Posts by Louie Glinzak

Are Rising Food Prices a Result of the Ethanol Subsidy?

Economies across the globe are struggling, and rising food prices are not going to make life any easier.  The Acton Institute raised concern for rising food prices, especially corn, in 2007, when Ray Nothstine wrote a commentary on, and at the time, record prices for corn, resulting in revolts in Mexico due to rapidly rising prices for tortillas.  Continue Reading...

Finding Morality in the Federal Budget

Budget battles have heated up recently throughout the United States, and President Obama’s budget proposal has not been exempted from the intense discussion. The current proposal by the President pushes our national debt to $15.476 trillion or 102.6 percent of our GDP.  Continue Reading...

Acton Commentary: Imagine You Are a Doctor

Hunter Baker examines the push for the “public option” — the creation of a government backed insurance system — as part of health care reform in his commentary.  Baker takes an interesting approach at examining the push for a public option by dropping his readers into the life of a doctor, articulating the stress and sacrifice of the job: Imagine that you are a physician. Continue Reading...