Circling the Sacred Debt Wagons

In my 2009 commentary addressing the nation’s debt crisis I included words from Admiral James B. Stockdale. The full quote comes from an essay on public virtue from the book Thoughts of A Philosophical Fighter Pilot. Continue Reading...

Rev. Sirico: The Church as the Bride of Caesar

From the “What Would Jesus Cut” campaign to the Circle of Protection, Jim Wallis’s liberal activism rooted in his “religious witness” has grabbed headlines across the nation . Wallis advocates for the “protection” of the poor and vulnerable by pushing for expansive government welfare programs.   Continue Reading...

Fertile Ground for Farm Subsidy Cuts

Here’s the piece I contributed to today’s Acton News & Commentary: Fertile Ground for Farm Subsidy Cuts By Elise Amyx With debt and budget negotiations in gridlock, and a growing consensus that federal spending at current levels is unsustainable, political support for farm subsidies is waning fast. Continue Reading...